Lino print Bumblebee

Some years ago I wrote a few short animal stories, which I used in a serious of lino print illustration workshop I ran at Poole Printmakers. Participants designed and cut lino prints to go with the stories, one in black and white and one in more colours, and then printed them in a limited edition, so that we could exchange images and that everyone could go home with a fully illustrated original story book.

In January I reviewed some of these stories and wrote a whole lot more. The collection is now called ‘The Bigger Picture, friendly fables to soothe the troubled mind.’ I’m now working on wood engraving and/or lino print to accompany these fables and publish them in the summer. Later this year I also hope to run a combined writing/illustration workshop relating to his new project, as well as an exhibition of works in the Gresham House Studio-Gallery. Watch this space!